How To Take an Air Sample: Anderson Sampler Instructions

How To Take an Air Sample Using Anderson Sampler


  1. Remove top portion (piece with holes in the metal plate) of Anderson sampler. Using a paper towel or cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol wash the metal plate and allow the alcohol to dry.

  2. Select sites that represent the problem or space being investigated.
    Notes: consider an outdoor site to act as a control sample. In an office, a desktop will act as a ‘typical’ location. In a kitchen, a countertop or table works well.
  3. Remove a petri dish from ziplock baggie. Place lid on a clean surface such as a table top.
  4. Place the agar plate in the top of the Anderson sampler unit agar side down |_______|.
  5. Replace top of Anderson unit (piece with metal holes in it) back on top
  6. Insert power converter cord connection into bottom of Sampler. Plug converter into power outlet.
  7. Let unit run for 20 minutes.
  8. Unplug unit from wall outlet, remove agar plate and put petri dish lid back on agar plate.
  9. Label plate or baggie with location, date and time of sample.
  10. Repeat steps 1-10 for remaining plates or locations.
  11. Place dishes back into baggie and ship to laboratory.

General Notes:

Storage: refrigerate, agar-side up. Do not let the plates freeze. Discard plates if there is visible growth of any kind on the agar surface or between the lid and side of dish. Discard plates if the agar has pulled away from the walls of the dish.

Use: remove excess condensation on the lids that can occur in stored plates by holding the plates agar-side up in one hand & removing the lid with the other hand. Using a flicking motion, the excess moisture on the lid can be discarded.

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